Concierge Blog
Under the sign of Covid-19, Easter 2020 will remain in our memories for many years to come.
The lowered barrier, which protects our customers' parked cars at night, will not go up during the day;
Guests, looking to celebrate Easter with lunch, or celebrating on Easter Monday, hoping to taste this years Terlan asparagus, won’t come;
Nor will white wine Sunday happen, when we were very busy painting eggs and being cheerful in celebrating Easter together, of course, as is tradition, with a good glass of white wine ...
And after lunch the gallery owner Mr. Willy invites us to his art gallery to see the paintings of Lydia Mair - Schwembacher, who missed out on the gallery opening this year and who is missing out on all the passionate visitors.
To make sure that you are not denied the experience that is her art, and to offer you a moment of distraction in these times, we have set up a virtual gallery, which we invite you to visit.
Stay tuned!!!