Concierge Blog
Legend in Terlan has it that some years ago, in the after war period, a young farmer forgot to turn off his sprinkler system overnight. In the morning all of his apple trees were covered in ice, much to the amusement of his fellow farmers. But the laughter soon ceased, as they themselves discovered that all the blooming flower buds on their trees were destroyed by the freezing temperatures, while only those of the young farmer remained, safely trapped under a thin layer of ice that was now starting to melt in the morning sun.
Such stories are quite common in the area, as the importance of frost protection irrigation became more and more apparent with the increasing amount of apple cultivation. Blooming apple flower buds are very delicate and sensitive to the cold. And without flower buds in spring, there won‘t be any apples later in the year. Which is why at first sign of frost during the night, apple farmers turn on their sprinkler systems.
The ice on the trees might be spectacular to look at, but it isn‘t the ice itself that‘s actually keeping the flower buds safe from the freezing temperatures. Tiny water droplets in the air from the sprinklers fall onto the blooming flowers and begin to crystallize, releasing heat and thus protecting the flower buds.
The farmer's trees from the story were ready for harvest in autumn, hopefully, so will be our neighbor's!

The church of St. Helena is perhaps one of the most beautifully situated churches in South Tyrol. On a clear summer day like today, one can enjoy a wonderful view of the church along with a magnificent view of the surrounding mountain landscape of Merano.
On our hike to the church, the Concierge takes us through shady woods and past sunny, goat-populated pastures, with the grazing goats completely undisturbed by our presence.
After a short walk we reach the Halsmannhof at 1500 meters above sea level, known for its organic goat cheese dairy. For the moment however, we postpone our visit until the way back.
We reach the church of St. Helena. Our guide tells us that the church was first mentioned in writing around 1300.
After a brief visit to the church, it is time for a break at the Helener Pichl inn. We have a seasonal lunch consisting of a tomato and kohlrabi carpaccio with sunflower and pumpkin seeds, followed by roasted veal in a chanterelle sauce with rice, accompanied by a pinot blanc from the Merano winery, and for dessert: a slice of apricot cake and, as is tradition in the Ulten valley, „Krapfen“, a sweet, deep-fried dough, traditionally filled with apricot jam or poppy seeds.
Quite tired from the delicious lunch, the group continues to head back to the parking lot. But not before stopping by Heidi and Franz form the Halsmann cheese dairy.
With our backpacks a little heavier from the freshly bought goat cheese, we arrive at the car. Instead of returning home however, the concierge suggests that we should drive to the springs of Bad Überwasser, only a few minutes away by car, where there are many historic mineral water springs.
At an inn of the same name, we order water. But this isn‘t your ordinary tap water, no, the water here is freshly drawn from the springs near the inn and is served with virtually no delay. If one wishes to further flavour the mineral rich water, fresh cranberries and lemon slices are served to be added after one's own taste.
A refreshing experience after a hike in the sun.
Stay tuned!!!!